Worthy Art Thou to Take the Book and to Break Its Seals

Revelation 5
(Ed: What is a " primal word " in this chapter")

1 I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written within and on the dorsum, sealed up with 7 seals.

2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud vox, "Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?"

iii And no ane in heaven or on the earth or nether the earth was able to open the book or to wait into it .

iv Then I began to weep greatly because no ane was institute worthy to open the book or to look into it ;

5 and 1 of the elders said to me, "Cease weeping; behold, the Panthera leo that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David , has overcome so as to open the volume and its seven seals."

six And I saw betwixt the throne (with the 4 living creatures ) and the elders a Lamb standing, as if slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the vii Spirits of God , sent out into all the globe.

7 And He came and took the volume out of the correct mitt of Him who sat on the throne.

8 When He had taken the book , the four living creatures and the twenty-4 elders fell downwards before the Lamb , each ane belongings a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

9 And they sang a new song, saying, "Worthy are Grand to have the book and to break its seals; for Yard wast slain, and purchased for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and natural language and people and nation.

10 accept made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they volition reign upon the earth."

11 And then I looked, and I heard the vox of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands, 12 saying with a loud vocalization, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and approving."

13 And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the ocean, and all things in them, I heard saying, "To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb , exist approval and honor and celebrity and dominion forever and e'er."

xiv And the four living creatures kept saying, "Amen." And the elders fell downwardly and worshiped.

Who are the four horsemen of the apocalypse?

Nosotros volition look at Revelation v, which is a scene in heaven.

What is so special most the Scroll?

The Lamb takes the seven sealed scroll (NASB = '' volume '', Greek biblion, - Rev. 1:11; five:i, 2, 3, iv, 5, 8, nine; 6:fourteen; 10:viii; 13:8; 17:8; twenty:12; 21:27; 22:7, 9, 10, xviii, nineteen) from the 1 seated on the throne. (Ed: Click well written conservative comment on the scroll in Revelation five)

Why was he weeping?

Because no i was found worthy to open the gyre.

Why did John desire the scroll opened?

Considering as we have seen the opening of that curl unleashed all manner of cataclysmic events.




1st Seal Rev 6:1, 2 A white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, and to conquer.
2nd Seal Rev 6:3, four A red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the world, and that men should slay ane another; and a great sword was given to him.
3rd Seal Rev 6:five, 6 A black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his mitt. And I heard as it were a vocalization in the heart of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius (24-hour interval'due south wage), and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."
4th Seal Rev vi:vii, 8 An ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. And authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the world.
5th Seal Rev half-dozen:ix, ten, 11 Martyrs "underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain considering of the discussion of God, and considering of the testimony which they had maintained"
6th Seal Rev 6:12, 13, 14, fifteen, 16, 17 Great convulsion, sun blackness every bit sackcloth, whole moon like blood, stars of sky fell, sky split up autonomously, every mountain and isle moved out of their places, men hid themselves
7th Seal Rev 8:1, two Silence in heaven for about one-half an hour, Seven angels given seven trumpets

Revelation vi describes the beginning of cataclysmic events in the heavens, as all men on globe (great and small-scale, bond and gratuitous) seek to hide in caves and among rocks, crying out because of the WRATH OF THE LAMB and OF GOD HAS Come TO THE EARTH.

"And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hibernate united states of america from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great day of their wrath has come; and who is able to stand?"

Why is the curlicue written on the Forepart & Dorsum?

In that location is no room left to add together anything else, then no can tamper with information technology. When the seals are cleaved, nosotros see the "Iv Horsemen of the Apocalypse" ride onto the world scene.

When the Seventh Seal is broken, (Rev 8:1-note) Seven Trumpets are sounded in succession and when the Seventh Trumpet sounds John records that

there arose loud voices in sky, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become [the kingdom] of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He volition reign forever and ever." And the 20-four elders, who sit down on their thrones before God, barbarous on their faces and worshiped God, proverb, "We requite Thee thank you, O Lord God, the Almighty, who fine art and who wast, because Thou hast taken Thy great ability and hast begun to reign. "And the nations were enraged, and Thy wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to give their reward to Thy bond-servants the prophets and to the saints and to those who fear Thy name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the globe." And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened; and the ark of His covenant appeared in His temple, and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and an convulsion and a dandy hailstorm." (Rev xi:15-xix-annotation)

The Seventh trumpet inaugurates the outset of the kingdom of this world becoming the kingdom of our Christ. Proceeding out of the Seventh Trumpet are Vii Bowls of Judgment which are poured out upon the earth. The pouring out of the outset bowl produces a

loathsome and malignant sore sore upon the men who had the marker of the beast and who worshiped his prototype (Rev sixteen:2-note).

This bowl is poured out on all those who have worshiped the Beast and taken the marking of the beast (described in Rev 13:16, 17-note)

After the Seventh and last bowl John records these words

"And the seventh affections poured out his bowl upon the air; and a loud voice came out of the temple from the throne, saying, "It is washed."

That is, the wrath of God is finished. Then follows an earthquake similar none other. And "the not bad city" (Rev 16:xix) was split into iii parts. And Babylon is given the cup of the wrath of God and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Christ.


You lot may be saying ''Just this is judgment… Why are they weeping when no one could open the scroll? And why do they rejoice over the breaking of the seals if the issue is only judgment?''


Revelation 4 = begins with "subsequently these things", that is afterwards the things John had seen and described in Revelation one-3 - the glorified Christ in Revelation i, "the things that are" in Revelation 2-three (the 7 messages to seven churches) and

"things which shall accept place after these things.'' (Rev ane:nineteen-note)

Revelation 4:1-note "Subsequently these things I looked, and behold, a door [standing] open in sky, and the outset vox which I had heard, similar [the sound] of a trumpet speaking with me, said, "Come here, and I volition evidence y'all what must take place afterwards these things."


"Worthy art 1000, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and ability; for Thousand didst create all things, and because of Thy will they existed, and were created." (Rev iv:11-note)

They are extolling Him because He has created all things.

Genesis 1 gives the business relationship of the Cosmos in 6 days, and Kay believes these are 6 literal days because that is what God the Male parent and Jesus both said.

GOD'South Desire FOR Homo


Genesis i:26 "So God said, "Allow Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and Let THEM (male person & female) Dominion over the fish of the ocean and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

And so God's original intention was that MAN (''them'' = male & female) would rule.

Genesis ane:28 "And God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and make full the world, and SUBDUE It; AND RULE OVER the fish of the bounding main and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the world."

IN GENESIS 2 GOD PLACED Human being IN A PERFECT ENVIRONMENT with TWO Copse: the tree of life & tree of cognition of good & evil.

Genesis ii:16, 17 "And the Lord God commanded the human, proverb, "From whatever tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of skillful and evil you lot shall not swallow, for in the twenty-four hours that you eat from it YOU SHALL SURELY DIE."

In Genesis 3, nosotros see that the Snake deceived Eve, telling her she would non die, simply instead that she would exist like God, knowing good and evil, in the sense that she could then look at something and say ''This is good'' or ''This is evil''. Homo didn't want God to tell him what was good and evil considering human wanted to be his own god, choosing for himself what was proficient and evil. Eve listened to the Serpent of former, the devil, Satan (every bit identified in Rev 12:ix-note, cp Lk 10:18), the result beingness that Adam and Eve were seduced by the enemy, believing THE Prevarication. They ate of the tree of the cognition of good and evil.

What happened?

Become to Romans 5:12 (note) where Paul writes

"Therefore, just as through ane human sin entered into the world, and Death through sin, and and so DEATH spread to all men, considering all sinned"

Ge 5:1-3 This is the volume of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. (cf Ge i:26) He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the solar day when they were created. When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his epitome, and named him Seth."

So in Genesis 5 we run into that Adam who was created in the likeness of God (cf Ge ane:26, 5:1, Jas 3:9) then brought forth children who were not in the image of God, but who were now in the image of Adam or in the image of man and then they were ''little sinners''. And so, the sin that "infected" Adam was spread throughout the world.




Paul, writing to the Ephesian church, records that

"you were expressionless in your trespasses and sins, (until you come up to know the Lord Jesus Christ by a personal, individual decision) in which you formerly walked co-ordinate to the course of this globe, co-ordinate to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even every bit the rest." (Eph 2:1, ii-note, 3-note) (Ed: John adds that "the whole earth lies in [the power] of the evil i" (1Jn 5:19) where "evil one" in context describes Satan)

In Colossians Paul adds that God

delivered us (Ed: where we were sons of disobedience, children of wrath) from the domain of darkness (Ed: ruled by the "prince of the power of the air), and transferred us to the kingdom of His dearest Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Col 1:xiii, fourteen-annotation)

So Adam and Eve who were created to rule over the earth LOST THEIR CROWNS when they sinned. Instead of rulers, they became "sons of disobedience", "slaves to sin" (cf Ro vi:6-note, Ro 6:16-annotation, Pr 5:22-notation, 2Pe ii:nineteen-note, Jn 8:34), now ruled over by Satan, "the prince of the power of the air", the ruler of the world organization which is hostile toward God.

Go to John 12, where Jesus was talking almost His coming crucifixion and that His 60 minutes had come:

Jesus declared

"Now judgment is upon this globe; now the ruler of this world (Satan - cp Mt. iv:8, 9; Lk iv:6, vii; 2Co 4:iv) shall be cast out." (John 12:31, cp Jn 14:thirty, 16:xi)

When Jesus died on the Cantankerous, the prince of the power of the air was "cast out" in regard to his dominion over men who were saved past organized religion. The human who at present looks to the Cross of Jesus Christ is set free from the domain of darkness (and the rule of Satan) and is transferred to the kingdom of light ruled by God's beloved Son, Jesus Christ. This man experiences the forgiveness of sins because Jesus our KINSMAN REDEEMER has paid the PRICE FOR OUR REDEMPTION ("in [Jesus] we take redemption, the forgiveness of sins" - Col 1:xiv-note). (Ed: see Heb 2:14, 15-notes)

So Human starts out RULING over creation, and so LOSING HIS RIGHT to rule over creation because of SIN.

When MAN loses his right to DOMINION over the face of the earth WHO gets the right of DOMINION?

From the previous Scriptures, information technology is clear that Satan gets that right, condign the PRINCE not only of the air, merely also becoming the PRINCE of this globe, and at present fallen, unredeemed man lives in the Kingdom of the EVIL 1 and nether his power.

Unredeemed men stay in the Evil Ane'south kingdom until they come to know the Lord Jesus Christ (their Redeemer). When a human comes to know the Lord Jesus Christ, he passes out of death into life, out of the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of Satan and into the kingdom of God, ruled past His Son. This entire transaction is made possible because of i human activity, the act of the KINSMAN REDEEMER, the Lord Jesus Christ, redeeming enslaved sinners by paying the price of redemption, which is the

"precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the claret of Christ." (1Peter1:18, nineteen-note)

At this present time, although we have our redemption individually, since many have non believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan is nevertheless ruling this world every bit the prince of the ability of the air, the PRINCE OF THIS Earth. Therefore Creation is groaning and travailing, because when Adam & Eve sinned (see Ge 3:17) all CREATION was subjected to FUTILITY

"Both thorns and thistles information technology shall grow for you; And y'all shall consume the plants of the field. By the sweat of your confront You shall swallow bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are grit, And to dust y'all shall return."' Ge3:18, 19.

So God

"drove (Adam) out; and at the e of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim, and the flaming sword which turned every management, to guard the way to the tree of life" (Gen 3:24) lest he consume of the tree and live forever equally a sinner.

When God cast Adam out of the garden, all cosmos became subjected to futility.

In Romans 8 Paul writes

For I consider that the sufferings of this nowadays time are not worthy to exist compared with the glory that is to exist revealed to us. For the anxious longing (apokaradokia [give-and-take study]) of the Cosmos (everything, non just man) waits eagerly for the revealing (apokalupsis [word written report] ~ apocalypse) of the sons of God. ( When ? at the end of the pouring out of the Seventh Bowl, when we encounter nowadays earth condign the Kingdom of His Christ) For the CREATION was subjected to futility, non of its own will, but because of Him who subjected information technology, in hope that the Creation itself also will exist set free (eleutheroo [word study]) from its slavery to corruption into the freedom (eleutheria [give-and-take study]) of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole CREATION groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And non but this, but as well we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, fifty-fifty we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly (apekdechomai [word study] in the present tense = as our lifestyle, our habitual exercise) for [our] adoption equally sons, the redemption of our trunk." (Ro 8:18, 19-note, Ro eight:20, 21-note, Ro 8:22, 23-notation)

And so during this present time when the church building is existing (Rev two-3), all creation is groaning and travailing but this agony will come to an end when the Seven Seals are broken , bringing forth the Seven Trumpets , in turn bringing along the Seven Bowls . Then information technology will come to an end and we shall see the New Jerusalem coming downwardly out of heaven as a bride prepared and adorned for her Husband and God Himself will wipe away every tear and at that place volition exist no tears and no more than pain and no more sorrow and no more than expiry, considering the old things will take passed away. The Lamb will be in the midst of the throne and we volition live with Him forever and ever and we will walk in the paradise of God and nosotros will eat of the fruit of the TREE OF LIFE. And there will exist a river flowing through it and nothing that defiles volition enter that temple. (Rev 21-22)

So why did the apostle John want the Whorl OPENED?

Considering it would bring THE MYSTERY OF GOD TO A FINISH (Rev 10:7-notation) and nosotros would understand and see that "the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever." (Rev 11:15-annotation)

What or Who could bring this about?

In Rev 5 nosotros see I sitting on the throne property the curl and the angel asking who is worthy to accept the whorl and to intermission its seals?

And no one in heaven, or on the world, or under the world, was able to open the volume, or to look into information technology. (Rev v:3)


So why didn't God the Father exercise it? Considering He couldn't. Considering He had ordained a Program, the PLAN OF REDEMPTION. God the Father initially gave the right to rule this earth to man but man lost that right to dominion to an angel, a created existence, who was beautiful, who was magnificent, and who decided one day that he would ascend into heaven, that he would fix his thrown above the thrown of God, that he would be like God, and that he would rule. (Is xiv:12, 13, 14, 15, Ezek 28:12, 13, 14, fifteen, 16, 17, 18, xix are both passages that many interpret every bit descriptive of Satan and his fall) And when the highest angel rebelled against God, God cast him out and the highest cherub became the Devil, Friction match (this beautiful one of light) who walked into the Garden of Eden equally a Serpent, but who slithered out on his belly. In between WALKING IN and SLITHERING OUT, human being became a SLAVE TO SIN and a SLAVE TO SATAN (cp 1Jn 3:vii, 8, 9, 10). No one is constitute in heaven (non any of the 24 elders, etc. or any created existence in heaven or on world or in the bowels of hell) who can open the Scroll and John weeps because this SCROLL is what is going to bring all creation out of FUTILITY (Ed: Greek word means empty, profitless, not possessing the ability to reach it's goal or intended purpose) into what God intended it to be. And nonetheless there is no 1 worthy to open the book… so he weeps.

He writes

And I began to cry profoundly, because no i was found worthy to open the book, or to look into it and one of the elders said to me,

Stop weeping; behold, the LION that is from the tribe of Judah, the ROOT of DAVID, has OVERCOME so every bit to open the book and its seven seals." (Rev 5:iv, 5-note)


He has OVERCOME (conquered) SIN, DEATH, THE GRAVE, THE DEVIL. He has overcome so every bit to open the book and its Vii Seals.

Who is this Lion, the Root of David?

John records

And I saw between the throne (with the four living creatures) and the elders a Lamb standing, [continuing is perfect tense = past completed action with a present and standing result) every bit if slain (perfect tense), having 7 horns and 7 eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the earth. And He came, and He took [information technology] out of the right hand of Him who sabbatum on the throne. And WHEN HE HAD TAKEN THE Book, the iv living creatures and the twenty-4 elders vicious down before the Lamb, having each one a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, maxim, "Worthy art 1000 to have the book, and to suspension its seals; ( Why is the Lamb WORTHY? ) for Thou wast SLAIN, and didst purchase [give-and-take study] for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation (cp Rev 7:9-annotation). And One thousand hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth. (Rev 5:half-dozen, vii, eight, ix, 10-note)

Co-ordinate to these passages, once again Human being will Rule and "Reign upon the earth". What human lost in the garden of Eden is going to be restored to them WHEN the iv riders of the Apocalypse come along equally the 7 seals are cleaved, followed by the blowing of the vii trumpets and culminating in the pouring out of the seven bowl judgments upon the earth. THEN the kingdom of this globe will become the kingdom of our Christ and we who know Him shall rule forever and always! (Hallelujah!) That's why he was weeping. John wanted the seals on the scroll to be broken. Aye, this scroll initially brings judgment on the earth, but it also brings the triumph of Christ and the triumph of the sons of God.


Considering the One who could open up upward the seals had to be a MAN, a human being (He 2:15-note, Ro i:iii-note). It was MAN who lost his right to RULE because he submitted to Satan, then now the One that is going to rule has to be a Man.

What MAN could this be?

In that location is no one in sky, on globe or nether the earth that is worthy. There is no angel that is worthy because it was man that lost in sin not the angels. So we have the GOD-MAN, Jesus born from the TRIBE OF JUDAH, born from the ROOT OF DAVID, born merely WITHOUT SIN. Why? Considering He was born the SON OF GOD, built-in of a VIRGIN, a virgin from the tribe of Judah, a virgin, from the house of David. But His earthly male parent was non-existent because He is the Son of God. Then He was SON OF GOD and SON OF MAN. And so "every created thing which is in heaven and on globe and under the earth and on the bounding main and all things in them" begin to rejoice and to shout WORTHY IS THE LAMB Considering HE IS STANDING BETWEEN THE THRONE AND THE ELDERS AS OUR KINSMAN REDEEMER.



JUBILEE, JUBILEE, JUBILEE: It'S THE Time FOR THE LAND & THE SLAVE TO BE SET FREE. Every 50th year in the country of State of israel was designated THE YEAR OF JUBILEE. (Jubilee Year) (Play Michael Card'south great song "Jubilee" - Hallelujah!)

Go to Leviticus where we see God laying down the ordinances, the statutes, the offerings, the feast of Israel and all that she is to obey earlier God. In Leviticus 25 through Moses God tells His people most THE YEAR OF JUBILEE:

Lev 25:x 'You shall thus consecrate (dedicate, sanctify, set apart) THE 50TH Twelvemonth and proclaim (weep out, utter a loud sound) a RELEASE (Ed: liberty -- this poetry was inscribed on the Freedom Bell and cited at its ringing as the Annunciation of Independence was signed) through the state to ALL its inhabitants. It shall be a JUBILEE (In the Greek translation of the Hebrew this is translated "year of release" where "release" = aphesis [word study]) for you, and each of you shall return to HIS OWN PROPERTY, and each of you shall Render TO HIS Family unit.


Sometimes the Jews would go into financial trouble and they would be forced to sell their property. Simply that holding had been GIVEN TO THEM By GOD. God had ordained exactly where Dan and Napthali and Benjamin and all the tribes of the sons of State of israel would live. God gave them specific land and holding. But sometimes they would sell the belongings because of a debt. Just because God had given them that land, every JUBILEE that country had to be returned to the family unit that owned it originally.


There's a ''JUBILEE'' coming. WE LOST THE LAND! We were created to dominion over this earth but we lost it! When the year of JUBILEE occurred, it was not merely a JUBILEE considering the land was returned and set free from its ''bondage'' and then to speak but slaves were also fix gratuitous. In the land of Israel, when a homo could not not pay a debt, he would sell himself in slavery to another person and he would exist a slave all the years until JUBILEE. When JUBILEE came he would be released from his servitude. EVERY 50TH YEAR.




But suppose that from the fourth dimension of your birth you had been sold into slavery. Fifty years is a long time! Especially when man merely has 60 and ten to live! So there was some other mode out of slavery, THE LAW OF THE GOEL or the KINSMAN REDEEMER (Goel; run across besides Kinsman-Redeemer Goel). In the same chapter that talks about the YEAR OF JUBILEE, he talks near the KINSMAN REDEEMER. And Kay believes that Jesus Christ is our Kinsman Redeemer and the role that Jesus is fulfilling in Revelation five (Re 5:5, 6-annotation) when he walks into the midst of the throne and takes the scroll from the One who is sitting on the throne (Re 5:7-annotation), He is saying

''I am fallen man's KINSMAN REDEEMER and I accept come up to redeem what man has lost."

When Adam & Eve sinned in that garden they became SLAVES TO SIN. (Ro 6:16)


THEY WERE ''MURDERED''! How? They were Alive but when they sinned the died and from that time on they were DEAD in their trespasses and sins (Ge two:17, Ro 5:12-note, Eph 2:1-note).

In John 8:43 Jesus turns to the religious leaders and says

Why do you non understand what I am saying? Information technology is considering you cannot hear My word.

WHY Tin can'T THEY HEAR JESUS' Word? He answers by saying…

John 8:44 "You are of [your] father the DEVIL, and y'all desire to exercise the desires of your father. He was a MURDERER FROM THE BEGINNING, and does not stand up in the truth, because at that place is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his ain [nature;] for he is a liar, and the begetter of lies."

So when Adam and Eve sinned, they lost their crown, they lost the right to rule the earth that had belonged to them (cp Ge 3:17, 18, 19; He 2:8-note), and Satan became the prince over this globe (Eph 2:2-note, Lk four:6, 1Jn 5:19, Acts 26:eighteen). The result was that all creation was subjected to futility and all cosmos is groaning (Ro 8:20, 21-annotation, Ro eight:22-note) and suffering right now, waiting until the redemption of man (Ro 8:23-annotation), until man receives back his crown and his right to rule!


(1) The LAND and the Correct TO RULE over the world


(three) If man became a SLAVE what did he lose? HE LOST HIS Liberty but every bit Jesus said

if the Son shall set up you lot costless, yous shall be free indeed (Jn 8:36)

And then in the wonderful crawly mystery of His plan in the books of Leviticus (and Numbers) God gives us the principles of THE KINSMAN REDEEMER.

A REDEEMER is a ane who BUYS BACK.

A REDEEMER is a person that goes into the market place and PURCHASES SOMETHING.


John records that Jesus

didst PURCHASE (Ed: Greek = agorazo, for discussion of related verb exagorazo = to buy slaves out of the market identify) for God with Thy blood men from every tribe, and tongue and people and nation.' (Rev 5:9-notation)


By becoming our KINSMAN, by condign flesh and blood, past becoming a Human. So He became a Homo and every bit our KINSMAN-REDEEMER He redeemed us out of slavery, He redeemed us from death and gave us life ,and He redeemed the land (the earth). And this is what we see Jesus doing beginning in Revelation vi equally He breaks the seal, beginning the cataclysmic events that go along UNTIL the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of our Christ.


The KINSMAN-REDEEMER was as well called the BLOOD AVENGER (meet Nu 35:19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27). If I put another person to death, the slain person'southward KINSMAN would come and accept THE RIGHT to put me to expiry.


So what does our KINSMAN REDEEMER exercise when He opens the whorl and breaks the seals?

What happens to the Devil?

The devil is eventually cast into the lake of fire, where the worm dies non and the fire is not quenched. This LAKE OF FIRE by the way was never prepared for man but was prepared originally for the devil and his angels (Mt 25:41), the 3rd of the stars that followed the dragon when he defected from God. So Jesus our KINSMAN-REDEEMER likewise became our Blood AVENGER.


Jesus too becomes the REDEEMER OF THE LAND that has been sold to another. To exist sure, the Jews were excited in the Yr OF JUBILEE. But we have a JUBILEE coming like no 1 has ever seen considering we have a KINSMAN REDEEMER that is going to take the whorl out of the hand of Him Who sits on the throne and He is going to suspension the seals which culminate in the Kingdom of this globe become the Kingdom of His Christ. We will have a new heaven and a new earth.


Finally, as alluded to earlier, Jesus our KINSMAN REDEEMER also REDEEMS US and SETS The states Free, by buying united states out of slavery to sin and to Satan.

This story of the Kinsman-Redeemer is beautifully portrayed in the book of Ruth (Ed: Click for notes on this website covering the book of Ruth) in which we see Boaz take the role of the kinsman-redeemer and marry the Ruth the Moabitess. When Boaz redeemed Ruth, they brought along a SEED that would be in the line of the MESSIAH considering their son OBED fathered a son named JESSE and Jesse had several sons, one of whom was named DAVID. And all of this transpired because kinsman redeemed his Ruth. What a wonderful story!


And so…


(Re 11:15)


Just IF YOU DON'T KNOW HIM, the reason that He has not come however is because He is non willing that yous should perish but that you should come to REPENTANCE and Organized religion in the Lord Jesus Christ so that you might come to know Him as your Blood AVENGER and your KINSMAN REDEEMER.

AND IF THE SON SHALL Ready Y'all Costless

(Jn 8:36)


Source: https://www.preceptaustin.org/revelation_-_part_2_-_lecture_6

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